Hubert Sielecki

Hubert Sielecki
Hubert Sielecki


Hubert Sielecki retrospective

The film programme has a length of 64 minutes.
Various work periods are intergrated therein and the selection presents a spectrum of different subjects. Hubert Sielecki chose the films for an international audience not all of whom understand German. Mainly however he has a marked tendency towards thedifferenciated use of words and language especially in his Poetry Films
Hubert Sielecki avoids the dry scientific-documentary aspects of some of theexperimental films. For him the content of the film is the most import_ant feature andthe adept adjustment of the written word into moving pictures – either as inanimation or otherwise – is his main object. He uses humour and especially blackhumour as a method to show up the absurdities that occur when right and left areexchanged and everyday habits are shown up to be completely ridiculous. Especiallymass media offers a welcome and boundless supply of ludicrous features such as thenews, interviews, comments, political speeches etc which can be used in film makingto show up serious social and political shortcomings.
One has the impression that each of Hubert Sielecki’s short films could have beencreated by a different author and Hubert Sielecki explains that new questions arise inthe making of each experimental film and these should be answered through evenmore experiments.
The collaboration with artists such as Maria Lassnig or with the wellknown writerGerhard Rühm, a founding member of the “Vienna Group” and with other poets ormusicians are a leading feature in the work of the film maker Hubert Sielecki.



Hubert Sielecki born in 1946 in Carinthia, Austria. He studied at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, Academy of Fine Arts and National Film School in Łódź, Poland. Since 1973 he’s worked with experimental colour photography, electronically, mechanically and acoustically reacting objects, environments, posters, old photographic techniques, created performances and music.


A retrospective of experimental and animated films introduced by their author Hubert Sielecki, followed by a concert featuring Hubert Sielecki (pipes) and Luise Buisman (hurdy-gurdy)
1. Festival
2. Air Fright
3. Buchfabrik
4. Ungleichte Bruder
5. Lautgedicht
6. Die Helden
7. Nitweitaget
8. M.Lassig Kantate
9. Spur
10. Dialog uber Osterreich
11. Der Langste Kuss
12. Hitparade