Angelika Fojtuch
Born in 1978, in Gdynia, Poland.
International visual artist, performer.
Work at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk.
Fojtuch‘s art work has been presented at worldwide exhibitions and festivals a.o. NIPAF’11 in Tokyo & Osaka, 7a11d Fado Center in Toronto, OPEN in 798 Art Zone in Beijing, Deformes in Santiago de Chile, EPAF Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw, The 2nd Biennale of Contemporary Art in Thessaloniki, The 2nd Biennale of Young Art MMOMA in Moscow, Interrupted connections Zacheta-National Gallery of Art in Warsaw, moreover represented by lokal_30 Warsaw Gallery at NADA Art Fair in Miami, VIENNA FAIR in Vienna, SUPERMARKET Art Fair in Stockholm.
collection: Muzeum Sztuki, Lodz.
“Angelika Fojtuch’s performance work deals with the issues of communication, the role of body and emotions in interpersonal relations and the creation of identity confronting them with the mechanisms of culture. Focusing on gender questions and norms of individual’s appearance in public space, she explores and crosses the borders of social conduct in order to reveal collective latent tensions, neglected fantasies or traumatic fears. Her work is usually conceived as a process of interaction with an audience, that Fojtuch often puts in uncomfortable or embarrassing situations. She often refers also to the specific social and psychological context of the performance’s site.” Joanna Sokołowska