Dorota Masłowska


Dorota Masłowska (Poland)

bio: Born in 1983 in Wejherowo. Author of the celebrated “Wojna polsko-ruska pod flagą biało-czerwoną” (“Polish-Russian War under White-and-Red Flag”, which won the Paszport Polityki award and “Paw Królowej” (“The Queen’s Peacock”) which won the literary Nike prize. She has written the plays „Dwoje biednych Rumunów mówiących po polsku” (“A Couple of Poor, Polish- Speaking Romanians”i „Między nami dobrze jest” (“All’s good between us”which have beenstaged all over the world. She writes columns for “Dwutygodnik”. Her contributions to this magazine were published in 2017 in a Gdynia Literary Award nominated collection „Jak przejąć kontrolę nad światem nie wychodząc z domu” (“How to take control over the world without leaving home”). In June 2018 Wydawnictwo Literackie published her critically acclaimed verse novel “Inni ludzie” (“Other people”).

author’s meeting: “Inni ludzie” (“Other people”), book presentation – an interview with Stanisław Łubieński and music video screening