Philosopher and artist, authored several books on philosophy and aesthetics, the most important among them: „Twórczość a sztuka. Wprowadzenie do estetyki procesów twórczych”, „”Myślenie Heidegggerem”, „Tezy o ethosofii”, „Zagubiony ethos”, „Dwie fenomenologie: Husserl i Heidegger”, „Droga myśli”, „Estetyka po estetyce. Prolegomena do ontologii procesu twórczego”. Laureate of the St. Wyspiański ministerial award, a member of several art and scientific societies in Poland and abroad, The Most Prominent Young Pole of the Year 1981 chosen in a journalistic poll. Founder and artistic leader of the „Pracownia Teatru” artistic group, a member of „Sztuka i Teoria”, one of driving forces of the avaunt-garde movement. A round table during the World Congress of Philosophy in Brighton was dedicated to his concept of ethosophy, coined in his book „Theses on Ethosphy”. He lectured in metaphysics at the Pontifical Theological Faculty “Bobolanum” in Warsaw, as well as philosophy at the “Hozjanum” seminary in Olsztyn. A graduate of of three faculties: Polish philology, philosophy as well as the Department of Drama Directing at the Theatre Academy in Warsaw. He also published a collection of short stories „Dalej, inaczej…” and the novel „Życie i cierpienie młodego W.”. He also writes plays and poetry. Marathon runner. He lives off the beaten track. In the mountains.