Everything has already happened
/but we haven’t done it yet/
The leaders of the workshop are three artists – each one of different age, different experience, deriving their art from varied sources.
Anna Tyczyńska is known for conducting extreme and unconventional artistic plein-airs – on a daily basis, she is the head of the Drawing Studio at the Artistic University in Poznan.
Pawel Korbus is a freelance artist who has been conducting various intermedia and expression workshops for years, who is working with space and body.
Ewa Zarzycka is a performance artist, her medium is, above all, the word. She gives lectures on performance and conducts an open studio – guest lectures.
The main aim of this workshop is to raise awareness about art in general and to provide its participants with new experiences from the area of art and in the context of art. During this workshop, we will attempt to analyze the language of art, including primarily the language of performance. Together with the participants, we will create a dictionary of performative motives, we will analyze them and comment on them. We will make a reference to the classics of performance art, but not only; we will make a reference to the alphabet of art itself.
We will also address performative forms, behaviors from the borderland of disciplines, and mutual artistic roots for various genres.
We will go through the intuitive and intellectual phases of gathering and eliminating motives and themes. We will touch upon the issue of performative readiness, moderation, redundancy, temperance, time-specific acting, defined and undefined space, regarding a specific viewer, emotional structures, psychological and physical body movements. However, at every stage of our work we will be constantly referring to the participants’ consciousness, paying attention to their associations and contexts.
The workshop will be composed of short presentations, tasks, trainings, analyses, and individual actions. We will make a reference to such issues as, for example, art as a tool for self-expression, art as a tool for activism, art as a process, performance as an autonomous artistic phenomenon…
The workshop will take place according to the ‘three in one’ principle, which will be the three leaders plus the group of participants – a separation, together and individually.
How to prepare? Leave your superstitions at home. Take your brain, reason, intellect and body. Be ready to make mistakes, quick changes and decision-making exercises. There is no certainty, we cannot guarantee that the beauty of Sokolowsko and its natural surroundings will be used. Nevertheless, there is a chance to gain a new experience related to the approach to creative work, reflection about the process and analysis of artist’s path. Including performance artist’s.
Conducting: Anna Tyczyńska, Ewa Zarzycka, Paweł Korbus.
CONTEXTS 2019 / Sokolowsko
Date: 21- 25 of July 2019.
Price: 300 zl per person (the maximum number of participants: 20) + the cost of stay.
The effects of the workshop will be presented during the
CONTEXTS Festival.
To sign up, send an email to: kingamaluga.insitu@gmail.com