Wojciech Stefanik

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Wojciech Stefanik

Born in 1952 in Wroclaw where he lives and works. Studied at State College of Visual Arts (now Academy of Fine Arts), Interior Architecture and Industrial Design. From 1974 has realised art projects, mainly performances and installations. From 1977 to 2002 was involved in gallery management (Simplex Gallery, Katakumby Gallery, Zakład nad Fosą Gallery, Centre for Visual Practices Gallery, BWA Gallery). Collaborated closely with Andrzej Mroczek as a gallery manager for many years. At present works at Museum of Architecture in Wrocław. His works have been presented at home and internationally, in galleries and festivals.

Performance: Flying off IV

The artist sits at the table reading a newspaper. A strong source of light directed at the audience is placed behind him. He finds it difficult to continue reading as stron g air current coming from a fan located next to him keeps tearing the newspaper from him. The circumstances make him transform the function of the objects and eventually he enters the same world. However, not everything is possible. That’s the way.

July 23rd – Sunday 

13:30 Performance: „Flying off IV”
Zdrowie Cinema – theater hall